Civil War Movie - Lincoln (2012) - "Lincoln" (2012) is a historical drama directed by Steven Spielberg, portraying the final months of Abraham Lincoln's presidency and his efforts to pass the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States.

The film opens with the Civil War raging across America, and President Lincoln, played by Daniel Day-Lewis, facing the monumental task of not only preserving the Union but also ending the institution of slavery. Lincoln, burdened by the weight of the war and the divisions tearing the country apart, is determined to secure the passage of the 13th Amendment before the war's end.

As the nation awaits the outcome of the war, Lincoln faces opposition from within his own party, particularly from conservative Republicans who fear the social and economic implications of emancipation. Despite this, Lincoln presses on, using his legendary wit and political acumen to navigate the treacherous waters of Washington politics.

Meanwhile, the Confederate peace delegation arrives in Washington, offering terms that could end the war but would leave slavery intact. Lincoln is torn between his desire for peace and his commitment to ending slavery once and for all. With the clock ticking, he must make difficult decisions that will shape the future of the nation.

Lincoln enlists the help of his Secretary of State, William Seward (played by David Strathairn), and a team of lobbyists led by W.N. Bilbo (played by James Spader), to secure the necessary votes for the amendment. Through a combination of backroom deals, arm-twisting, and impassioned speeches, they gradually win over enough wavering congressmen to ensure the amendment's passage.

As the amendment nears a vote in the House of Representatives, Lincoln faces personal and political crises. His wife, Mary Todd Lincoln (played by Sally Field), grapples with grief over the loss of their son and fears for their other children's safety. Meanwhile, Lincoln's own health deteriorates under the strain of the presidency.

In a climactic scene, Lincoln delivers a stirring speech to the House, appealing to the representatives' sense of justice and humanity. His words resonate with those who have doubted him, and the 13th Amendment is passed, marking a pivotal moment in American history.

The film concludes with the end of the Civil War and Lincoln's assassination at Ford's Theatre, leaving a nation mourning the loss of its beloved leader. As the country begins the long and difficult process of rebuilding, Lincoln's legacy lives on, inspiring future generations to continue the fight for freedom and equality for all.
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